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Open Burn Permits

A flowchart with steps for obtaining a burning permit: Check need, Verify, Apply, Log burn, Renew permit.


An icon of a light bulb with number 1, suggesting an idea or step one.


During certain times of the year, when fire risk is high, dead vegetation can be unsafe. Learn and understand all requirements before you apply to burn. You must verify that burning is allowed at your residence and that it is a permissive burn day.

What do I need to know if I live within Durango city limits? 

NO PERMIT NEEDED: Small* and attended recreational campfire, cooking fire, warming fire. *Small = 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height; at least 25 feet away from any structures or other combustibles.

All other Open Burning is NOT permitted within city limits.

What do I need to know if I live outside of Durango city limits? 

Allowed Open Burning:

PERMIT NEEDED: Burn Piles/Other Open Burns - Piles are restricted in size to 4 feet by 4 feet and the material to be burned shall be limited to natural vegetation less than 6 inches in diameter and at least 50 feet away from any structures or other combustiles. Burn requests greater than this will also require a State of Colorado Smoke Permit.

NO PERMIT NEEDED: Small* and attended recreational campfire, cooking fire, warming fire. *Small = 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height; at least 25 feet away from any structures or other combustibles.

The State of Colorado does not allow the burning of coated or treated wood products, tree stumps, cut lumber, construction debris, plastics, tires, rubber, trash other than paper products, or other chemical products. Burning in barrels or incinerators is not allowed.

What are agricultural burns? 

Agricultural burning is the burning of water conveyance ditches and/or fields to prepare land for the planting of COMMERCIAL CROPS and zoned as "agricultural." Land zoned as "agricultural" does not automatically provide exemption from other open burn permitting.

The State of Colorado does not allow the burning of coated or treated wood products, tree stumps, cut lumber, construction debris, plastics, tires, rubber, trash other than paper products, or other chemical products. Burning in barrels or incinerators is not allowed.

Even though agricultural burns do not need permits, you must log your burn.


A check mark icon inside a box with a '2' notification badge.


Not sure if you're in the city, county or Durango Fire & Rescue's jurisdiction? Contact us to find out.


Icon of a hand selecting an option with a check mark, possibly indicating a task completion or choice selection.


You're ready to apply! All first-time applicants must visit the Fire Marshal Division's office to apply. You don't need an appointment! Show up any time during office hours to apply and receive your permit once your application has been approved. 


A flame icon inside a rounded square with the number 4 in the top-right corner.


Once you've received your Open Burn Permit, you're ready to burn. Remember to keep your permit on hand when you burn and, before you do, you must log your open burn.




Icon of a circular arrow, usually signifies a reload or refresh function.


Your Open Burn Permit must be renewed each year. If yours has expired, you must renew before you can burn. You can renew by filling out the form below. You will receive an email from the Fire Marshal Division once your renewal is complete.


We attempt to process all renewals within 24 hours of receipt during business hours. Renewal requests received over the weekend will be processed on the following business day.


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